Our Active Stoke Lifestyle Pass is here! Designed to help you enjoy life while staying within budget, this card provides access to a wide range of leisure activities at a 20% discounted rate! To check eligibility click here!

Support for local sports clubs

Stoke-on-Trent City Council is extremely supportive of local sports clubs growing and excelling within the city.  Our Club Support Officer is available to help you with funding applications, keeping up to date with information from National Governing Bodies (NGB's) and linking clubs up to various opportunities within the city.

There is information about each sport on the NGB websites, you can access their information here:

The Football Association (Football) – www.thefa.com

England Athletics (Athletics) – www.englandathletics.org

England and Wales Cricket Board (Cricket) – www.ecb.co.uk

England Hockey (Hockey) - www.englandhockey.co.uk

Lawn Tennis Association (Tennis) – www.lta.org.uk

Rugby Football Union (Rugby) – www.englandrugby.com/home

British Crown Green Bowling Association (Bowling) – www.bcgba.org.uk

Additional information and advice can be found on Sport England’s website: www.sportengland.org